Rose-cheek’d Laura, come,Sing thou smoothly with thy beauty’sSilent music, either otherSweetly gracing. Lovely forms do flowFrom concent divinely framed;Heav’n is music, and thy
1) Theory of Journalism (8/4 hrs) Beginnings of Journalism Where does journalism begin? The Printing Press Dangerous Information The New world Benjamin Franklin
1. Education psychology ( 10/5 hrs) 1.1 What is psychology1.2 Branches of psychology1.3 The nature of education psychology1.4 Uses of education psychology to the teacher 2. Personal development
1. The Journalistic Writing (10/5 hrs) Important News Determinants Timeliness of News Proximity of News The Magnitude of News The significance of the
1) Business Meetings 1 (10/5 hrs) Identify the importance of meetingDiscuss different types of meetings. : informal, formal, large group, a meeting of