EN 2223 Advanced Journalism I

1. The Journalistic Writing (10/5 hrs)

  • Important News Determinants
  • Timeliness of News
  • Proximity of News
  • The Magnitude of News
  • The significance of the news
  • The news policy of the news paper
  • The Objectivity Rule
  • The Inverted Pyramid Story Form
  • The completeness of a News story
  • Writing short paragraphs
  • Adherence to a Style

* The quality of Readability

2. News Papers (10/5 hrs)

* Initiators of Journalism

  • The Development of Broadcasting
  • Declining Readership
  • Alternative Sources of information
  • Concentration of Ownership
  • Organizational Structure: The business Style
  • Organizational Structure: The Editorial side
  1. The News Editor
  2. Managing Editor
  3. Section Editors
  4. Supporting Sections
  5. The Editor and Editorial Policy
  • The Black Press: An alternative voice in American Journalism
  1. The Editorial Page
  2. News papers Today
  • Small News Paper Big-Time Journalism
  • Major players in the News Paper Industry
  1. New York Times
  2. Washington Post
  3. USA Today
  4. Wall Street Journals
  5. Chicago Tribune
  6. The future of News papers

3. Reporters and Reporting (10/5 hrs)


  • What reporters do?
  • Personal characteristics
  • Profile of the American Journalist
  • Becoming a professional
  • Becoming a reporter
  • The chief reporter and other Correspondents


  • Five Ws and One H
  • Types of sources
  1. Stored Sources
  2. Personal Sources
  3. Observation
  • Interviewing
  • Ten tips for covering a Beat
  • A dozen interviewing tips
  • A note on accuracy

4. Editors , Editing & Headline Writing (10/5 hrs)


  • Who is the editor?
  • The most important job
  • Traits of an editor
  • The editor writer relationship
  • What the editor must do?
  • Getting to be an editor

Editing and Headline line writing

  • Accuracy
  • Checking facts
  1. Names and titles
  2. Numbers
  3. Places
  4. The story’s inner logic
  • Brevity
  1. Clarity
  • Editing Procedure
  1. The Lead
  2. Story Structure
  3. Completeness
  4. Style
  5. Names and titles
  6. Quotations and Attributions
  7. Triteness and clichés
  8. Wordiness
  9. Repetition and Redundancy Accuracy
  10. Offensive Language

Principles of Headline writing

  • Accuracy
  • Logic
  • Specificity
  • Word Precision
  • Double meanings
  • Guidelines
  • Procedure
  • Headlines on the Web

5. Writing News, Features and Styles (10/5 hrs)

  • Basic writing characteristics
  • Writing values and advice
  • Attribution
  • Other writing Convention
  1.  Short sentences 
  2. Third person 
  3. An attitude for Accuracy
  • The inverted Pyramid
  • The Lead paragraph
  • Inverted Pyramid checklist
  • Developing the story
  • Feature styles
  1. Anecdotal Features
  2. Suspended Interest Features
  3. Questions and answer

Characteristics of feature writing

  1. Read 
  2. Analyse
  3. Emulate


  • Trademarks
  • Journalistic Convention
  1. Inverted pyramid
  2. Types of stories
  3. Balance and Fairness
  4. The impersonal Reporter
  5. Sources
  6. Attribution and questions
  • Language sensitivity

         -Sexist Pronouns

  • Basic AP Style Rule
  1. Titles
  2. Descriptions
  3. Stereotypes
  4. Illness and Disability

6. Writing Articles and news stories (10/5 hrs)

Getting information through different sources , note making, expanding notes to make an
an interesting piece of writing . ( Group work)

7. Writing Articles: Reviewing, editing and proof reading.(Assignment)

Peer Editing: Groups exchange their writings and edit and give feedback , re-drafting and proof reading.