EN 2219 Intermediate Business English

1) Business Letters (10/5 hrs)

Letter Components

  1. Essential Components
  2. Optional Components

Letter Formats

  1. Full Block Format
  2. Modified Block format
  3. Simplified Format

Criteria for different Types of letters
o Letters of Inquiry
o Letters of request
o Cover letters
o Good news letters
o Bad news letters
o Letters of complains
o Letters of Adjustments
o Sales letters

2) Memos and E- mails (10/5 hrs)

The differences between memos and E- mails

  • Purposes
  • Criteria

Sample Memos

  • Success
  • Failures

E- mail

  • Why is E-mail is important?
  • E-mail Challenges

Techniques for writing effective E-mail messages

  • Recognize your audience
  • Identify your self
  • Use the correct E-mail address
  • Provide an effective subject line
  • Keep your E-mail message brief
  • Organize your E-mail messages
  • Use highlighting Techniques sparingly
  • Proof read your E-mail message
  • Make hard copy for future references
  • Be careful when sending attachments
  • Do not Automatically Reply to all recipients
  • Practice Netiquette
  • Sample E-mail messages

1. Read and discuss merit and de merits the kind of impressions they give the readers and
list the characteristics of a good letter , memo and email.
2. Planning and drafting different types of letters, memos and emails.

3) Jobs and careers (10/5 hrs)

How to find job openings

Criteria for Effective Resumes

  • Reverse Chronological Resume
  • Functional Resume
  • Key resume components
  • Optional Resume Components
  • Style

Methods of delivery

  • Mail version
  • Web (HTML) Resume
  • E- mail Resume

Sample Resumes
Criteria for Effective letters of Application
E-Mail Cover messages
Sample E-mail cover messages and letters of applications

4) Over the phone (10/5hrs)

Making a phone call to another company
    Practice useful phrases in contexts
Eg : I would like to speak to . I am afraid he is not in the office
Role plays conversations with the partner.
Taking messages:different ways of noting down messages.
Ordering and negotiating over the phone , simulations, draft a follow up fax to another buyer
confirming your call and what you agreed on.

5) Placing and acknowledging an order, making / replying enquiries (10/5hrs)

Make enquiries about a product, over the phone, place an order, and fax an acknowledgement.
Answering enquiries,
1. Read the advertisement about the product
2. Prepare an answer to the enquiry by letter, fax ,phone or person
The following points should be included in your reply.
Thank the customer for the interest in your products
Say how the product is suitable for customer’s needs.
Say that you are sending / giving a catalogue , price list, advertising literature etc.
Explain he can get hands on experience
Offer to send samples
State the location of the distributor’s showroom near his address.

6) Dealing with problems : complaining , apologizing (5/3 hrs)

Expressions Used to make complaints without sending rude or aggressive.
Eg. I am sorry to say to say this but ……
I think you may have forgotten……
Apologizing “ sorry my fault”, I am very sorry, I didn’t realize.
Replying a compliant: Situations – order has not arrived I was charged more …..the order
was for 80 boxes containing 144 items in each. Each box we have opened so far contains only
100 items.

7) Job interviews ( 5/2 hrs)

Techniques for interviewing effectively
Criteria for effective follow up correspondence

Activities: Read and write different types of dialogues on job interviews and enact them in the