EN 2226 Advanced Journalism II

1) Theory of Journalism (8/4 hrs)

  • Beginnings of Journalism
  • Where does journalism begin?
  • The Printing Press
  • Dangerous Information
  • The New world
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • The fire of Revolution
  • The Women in Eighteenth – Century Journalism
  • James Riving ton and Tory Press
  • Partisanship

2) The History of Journalism (7/3 hrs)

  • Change and more change
  • The Penny Press
  • James Gordon Bennett and the New York Herald
  • Sectionalism, Slavery and Abolition
  • The growth of Magazines
  • Photographing the rich and famous
  • The Civil War
  • The end of the war and its Aftermath

3) New Realities, New Journalism (7/4 hrs)

  • A Profession Matures
  • A Generation of Growth
  • An age of Personalities
  • Yes Virginia , there is a Santa Claus
  • Advancing Technology
  • Reporters and Reporting
  • Yellow Journalism
  • ‘Stunt’ Journalist Nellie Bly
  • Change in Advertising
  • The Watch dog Press

4) Twentieth Century and beyond (7/3 hrs)

  • A Century of Technology
  • The Decline of News Papers
  • The Development of Radio
  • Time and Development of the News magazine
  • Henry Luce and the March of Time
  • Television
  • News papers : Clouded Stability and Prosperity
  • Expanding Television with cable
  • Watergate: A Third-Rate Burglary and a Pulitzer for two young reporters
  • The Development of the web

5) Types of Journalism Publication and Website Design (8/4 hrs)

1.Graphics Journalism

  • Principles of Design
  • Conventions of Graphics
  • Types of Graphics
  • Developing info graphics

2.Photo Journalism

  • Basics of Photo Journalism
  • Photographer’s Commitment
  • The Photojournalist in action
  • Rules for the beginning photojournalist
  • Newsworthy Photos
  • Cropping
  • Scaling
  • Digital Photography
  • Ethics and Taste
  • Cutline

3. Publication and Website Design

  • Design 
  • Visual Logic


  • Families of Type 
  • Serif and Sans Serif 
  • The Anatomy of Type
  • Type on the page 
  • Illustration 
  • White Space
  • News paper Design 
  • Types of News Paper Design 
  • Vertical
  • Horizontal 
  • Modular
  • Principles of layout
  • Proportion 
  • Balance 
  • Focus
  • Visual Dynamics 
  • Unity 
  • News Judgment
  • Laying out a Page 
  • Twelve Rules
  • Web Site Design
  • Readability 
  • Simplicity 
  • Consistency
  • Variety 
  • Purpose

6) Magazines (8/4 hrs)

  • Why Magazine Journalism?
  • Structure of Magazine Industry
  • Consumer Magazines
  • Business , Trade and Professional Magazines
  • Sponsored, Association, or Company Magazines
  • Creating a Magazine
  • Magazine Journalism
  1. Extended Feature Stories
  2. Personality Profile
  3. Analysis and Interpretation
  4. Literary Journalism
  5. Travel Articles
  • Freelance Writing
  • The future of Magazines

* Television, Radio and News Web Sites

7) Practical Component (8/4 hrs)

Designing and producing a college magazine

  1. Planning what type of articles to include 
  2. Crafting the articles 
  3. Selecting, and editing and re-drafting 
  4. Using illustrations 
  5. Proof – reading the articles.

8) Culture ,Law and Ethical Practices of a Journalist ( 7/4 hrs)

The Culture of Journalism

  • The world of the journalist
  • Character and Characteristics
  • Scepticism and Cynicism
  • Working within the news organization
  • Dealing with sources
  • Objectivity and Fairness
  • Unacceptable Practices
  1. Plagiarism
  2. Fabricating Information
  3. Altering a photograph
  4. Working for a separate publication without the editors knowledge
  • News organizations in the larger culture of Journalism
  • Are the news media liberal or conservative?
  • Civic Journalism
  • A Dynamic Culture

Law and the journalist

  • Corruption in Minneapolis
  • Legal Precedents
  • The First Amendment
  • The state of the first Amendment
  • Defamation
  • Defences against libel suits
  • Developing the concept of the public figure
  • Copyright and trademarks
  • Privacy
  • Legal Protection for Journalists

Ethical Practices

  • The Good Journalist
  1. Honesty
  2. Professional Practices
  3. Respect
  • An Approach to Ethical Behaviour
  • Ethical Difficulties
  1. Falsifying Information
  2. Plagiarism
  3. Conflicts of Interest
  4. Privacy
  5. Bias, Unfairness, selective Reporting
  • Persistent Problems

Journalism – Present and Future

  • An open profession
  • Financial State of the profession
  1. Bias
  2. Errors / Credibility
  3. Sensationalism / Relevance
  4. Intrusiveness
  5. Recruitment, Training, and Retention
  • Changing Technology , Changing Audience