EN 1217 Computer Assisted Language Learning & Study Skills II

1. Presentation skills (10/05hrs)

  • The importance of preparation:
  •  Points to consider: objectives of the presentation, audience, manner, time, length,
    method, content, structure, notes, rehearsal
  • Set of equipment: OHP, whiteboard, flipchart, computer, handouts,
  • Delivering a presentation: beginning, rapport, content, body language, audience,
    cultural considerations, voice quality
  • Language: simplicity, clarity, useful expressions that can be used to signpost the
    various parts of the presentation, Language for each function: introduction, welcome your audience, introduce
    subject, outline the structure, give instruction about questions, conclusion.
  • Presentation itself
  • Evaluation of presentation-provide an evaluation form

2. Self-evaluation techniques (10/05hrs)

  • Focus: Help students develop the characteristics of the’ good language learner’
  • which involve the ability to assess their own performance.
  •  Type of activities: formats for learner evaluation e.g. the following activity requires
    learners to reflect on what has been learned over a period of time and express it as
    marks out of 10.
    Think about your progress this month. Give yourself a mark out of 10 for these
    areas; Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Pronunciation, Grammar, Vocabulary

3. Collaborative projects (10/05hrs)

  • Carry out small-scale research projects using available data with 2-4 students to a
    terminal. Prepare handouts, guide students to relevant data in internet and websites.
  • Organize different information, present them to the rest of the class and write a

4. Teaching with websites (10/05hrs)

  • Focus: equip students with basic skills needed for internet searching on their own
    and assess the suitability of the website for the intended purpose, e.g. learn to search
    with Google more effectively.
  • Procedure: Prepare handouts giving specific guidance as to the topic and particular
    aspects they should look for. Reporting of findings to the class.

5. Working with video ( 20/10 hrs)

  • Introduce the idea of using short video clips from websites for creative speaking and
    writing tasks.