EN 2117 English Language Teaching Methodology I

The good language teacher (15/08 hrs)

• What is good language teaching?
• The diverse roles and responsibilities of a successful teacher, discuss under 4 main
categories: 1. Source of expertise, 2. Source of advice, 3. Management roles, 4.Facilitator of learning

Classroom management (15/07hrs)

• Classroom organization: physical environment of the classroom, sight, sound
comfort, seating arrangements, chalkboard use, equipment, teacher’s voice and body
• Management during the lesson

Classroom language (15/08 hrs)

• Language for social interaction, e.g. why is Rohan absent?
• Language for classroom organization-maintaining discipline
• Language of instruction, e.g. get into groups of four. Listen to me please.

Questioning techniques (15/07hrs)

• Purpose of teacher’s questions: 1. Opportunity/impetus to produce language 2.
Initiate chain reaction and speech interaction 3. Immediate feedback about student
comprehension, i.e. teacher can use student responses to diagnose linguistic or
content difficulties. D. to provide a model for language thinking
• Type of questions: have been classified according to different criteria: 1. what kind
of thinking is involved-plain recall, analysis, evaluation.2. Genuine or display
questions.3.closed or open. 3. convergent/divergent questions
• Criteria for effective questioning: 1. Clarity.2.learning value 3. Interest 4.
Availability, i.e. can most of the students try to answer it? 5. Extension –does it
invite and encourage extended and varied answers 6. Teacher reaction. Are the
learners sure that their responses will be related to with respect

Pair and group work (15/08 hrs)

• Importance of pair and group work in TESL
• Selecting appropriate group techniques, difference between the two types, e.g. pair
work: short, linguistically simple, quite controlled in terms of the structure of the
• Planning group work

Teaching aids (15/07hrs)

• Advantages of using teaching aids
• Types of teaching aids: low technology and high technology
• Effective use of teaching aids in the classroom