EN 2225 Advanced Business English II

1) Technical Applications and Report Strategies. (6/3 hrs)

  • Technical Applications
  1. Fliers, Brochures, and News Letters
  2. Writing at work : Teach tool shop
  3. Objectives
  4. Why write Fliers?
  5. Criteria for writing fliers
  6. Keep the filer short
  7. Focus on one idea, Topic, or theme for flier
  8. Use a title to identify the theme
  • Technical Description
  • Types of Technical Description
  • Operations Manuals
  1. Product demand specifications
  2. Study reports provided by consulting firms.
  3. Sales Literature
  • Criteria for writing technical descriptions
  1. Title, overall organizations,
  2. Internal Organizations
  3. Developments
  • Word usage
  • Process
  1. Pre writing
  2. Writing
  3. Re- writing
  4. Sample Technical Descriptions

2) Instructions and User Manuals (6/3 hrs)

Criteria for writing short Instructions

  • Title
  • Organizations
  • Audience Recognition
  • Graphics
  • Style
  • Process
  • Pre-writing
  • Writing
  • Re-writing
  • Samples Short Instructions

Criteria for writing a user manual

  • Cover Page
  • Hazard Alerts
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Definition of Terminology
  • Technical Descriptions
  • Warranties
  • Accessories
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Corporate contact information
  • Sample user manuals
  • Activities.

3) Visual Appeal (6/3 hrs)

Document Design

  1. Importance of Document Design
  2. The Technical Writing Context
  3. Damages and Dangers
  4. Corporate identity
  • Organization
  • Order
  • Access
  • Variety
  • Summary
  • Chapter highlights
  • Activities


  • Benefits of visual aids
  1. Conciseness
  2. Clarity
  3. Cosmetic Appeal
  • Color
  • Three dimensional Graphics
  • Criteria for Effective Graphics
  • Types of Graphics
  • Sample Graphics for quantitative and other data
  • Outline Chart
  • Tables
  • Bar Graphs
  • Pie Charts
  • Line Graphs
  • Area Graphs
  • Pictograms
  • Other visual aids
  • Activities

4) How to develop a business profile (6/3 hrs)

Report strategies

  • Criteria for writing Research Reports
  1. Audience, Effective Style, Formatting
  2. Process
  3. Pre writing, writing, Re writing


  • Criteria for proposals
  1. Title page
  2. Cover letter
  3. Table of contents
  4. List of Illustrations
  5. Abstract
  6. Introduction
  7. Discussion
  8. Conclusion/ Recommendation
  9. Glossary
  10. References
  11. Appendix
  • Process
  1. Pre writing
  2. Writing 
  3. Re-writing
  • Sample External and internal proposals


5) Oral Communication (6/3 hrs)

  • Different forms of oral communication
  • Face to face communication
  • Advantages and disadvantages of face to face communication
  • The importance of telephone in oral communication
  • The advantages and the disadvantages of using telephones and mobile phones
  • The uses of the telephone directory and yellow pages.
  • The telegraph system.
  • Business Meetings 11

6) Strategies for Successful Business and Group meetings (6/3 hrs)

  • Background information on groups
  • Purposes and kinds of meeting
  1. Informational Meetings
  2. Suggested Solution Meetings
  3. Problem Solving Meetings.
  • Solving Problems in meetings or groups
  1. Authorization for a committee
  2. Methods of solving problems in meetings.
  • Leadership Responsibilities in meetings
  1. Kinds of leadership
  2. Planning steps before the meeting
  3. Procedures during the meeting
  4. Follow- Up after the meetings
  • Participant Responsibilities in meetings
  1. Preparation for meetings
  2. Effective Participant Roles in meetings

7) Presentations (6/3 hrs)

  • Informal oral presentation Formal oral presentation
  • Types of formal oral presentations
  • Parts of a formal oral presentation
  1. Introduction
  2. Discussion 
  3. Conclusion
  • Visual Aids
  1. Power Point Presentations
  2. Benefits of power point
  3. Tips for using power point
  4. Activities

8 ) Negotiation Skills (6/3 hrs)

  • Define negotiations
  • Identify the concept of negotiations
  • The advantages & disadvantages of
  • negotiations.
  • How negotiation takes place
  • Different types of negotiations
  • The Language used in negotiation.

9) Business Grammar Structure & Vocabulary (6/3 hrs)Grammar Rules

  • Identification of the form and functions of open and closed word classes.
  • Agreement between subject & verb.
  • Identifyingsentences, clauses and phrases in business writing.
  • Joining Sentences
  • Active and Passive voice
  • Constructing simplecompound and complex sentences.
  • Reported Speech
  • Agreement between pronoun and Antecedent.
  • Idioms and Proverbs
  • Coma Splice
  • Faulty /vague pronoun reference
  • Fragments
  • Fused Sentence
  • Modification
  • Parallelism


  • Word Stock
  • Idioms and fixed expressions


  • Apostrophe
  • Colon
  • Coma
  • Dash
  • Ellipses
  • Exclamation
  • point
  • Hyphen
  • Parentheses
  • Period
  • Question Mark
  • Semicolon

10) Mechanics (6/3 hrs)

  • Abbreviations
  • Capital Letters
  • Numbers